Lucas De Nolf new chairman of Bestselect
Bestselect appoints Lucas De Nolf as new chairman. In addition to the chairmanship, Lucas De Nolf also participates in the Belgian Tree Nursery Willy De Nolf (Waregem), specialized in growing shrubs, perennials, conifers, climbing plants, and potted trees.

Bestselect's mission is to develop and jointly market high-quality novelties within the range of the Flemish ornamental tree nursery. In his new role as chairman, Lucas De Nolf aims to position the Flemish tree nursery sector even better and to focus even more on sales and innovation.
With Boomkwekerij De Nolf, Lucas De Nolf focuses on plants that are protected by plant breeding law as well as on older selections and species that deserve extra attention. Bestselect markets resistant, sustainable cultivars that distinguish themselves because of their qualities. Bestselect plants are easily recognizable by their uniform label. Also with Lucas De Nolf, Bestselect will continue to guarantee the quality of the cultivars marketed through scientific research together with ILVO (Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food Research).
Added value for Belgian floriculture in a globalised world
The current assortment of Bestselect and the sale of world-famous stalwarts (such as Hydrangea Pinky-Winky, Bobo, etc.) provide income for more research. As a result, Lucas De Nolf expects to be able to make a sustainable contribution to the breeding work of Bestselect: “ It is important to choose the species that are being researched well. Bestselect must offer a broadening of the existing range of plants and cultivars from Belgium. This broadening must primarily benefit Belgian growers.”
As the new chairman of Bestselect, Lucas De Nolf explains his main focal points: “Thanks to ILVO, Bestselect has an unseen research centre that many breeders can be jealous of. We must make the best possible use of this potential of ILVO to create added value for Belgian ornamental horticulture. We live in a globalised world. We must use this globalisation to create additional value. Important focal points are therefore good partnerships worldwide and correct pricing of licences..”
Lucas De Nolf also wants to position the Flemish tree nursery sector better and focus even more on sales and innovation. “As a Bestselect grower, it is important to get more return from your available land and surface area with new, better varieties. This way you create a win-win situation for everyone: the consumer gets a better, more suitable plant. As a grower, garden centre or intermediary, you offer your customer a better, more profitable solution. Bestselect brings strong, disease-resistant cultivars onto the market, which also makes garden maintenance a lot more sustainable. And everyone benefits from that!”
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